VILLAGE OF DORCHESTER BOARD OF TRUSTEES MINUTES APRIL 3, 2023 The regular meeting of the Village of Dorchester Board of Trustees was held Monday, April 3, 2023, at the Dorchester Community Hall and …


VILLAGE OF DORCHESTER BOARD OF TRUSTEES MINUTES APRIL 3, 2023 The regular meeting of the Village of Dorchester Board of Trustees was held Monday, April 3, 2023, at the Dorchester Community Hall and was called to order at 7:02 p.m., Chairperson Pracheil advised those present of the Open Meetings Act. Answering Roll Call were board members Andrea Pracheil, Roger Miller, Sarah Wenz, Matt Shaw and Eric Bird. Advance notice of the meeting was posted at the Dorchester US Post Office; First State Bank, NE; Village of Dorchester office and in The Crete News. Approved Consent Agenda Items #1-#4. Claims: Ameritas Life Ins Co. ins $575.60; Arby's travel $10.90; BH Energy gas $1,602.46; BCBS Apr $11,521.60; Cline Williams svs $377.00; Country Inn & Suites hotel NeRWA $256.70; Country Inn & Suites hotel clerk school $489.60; County Line LLC spls $3,179.32; CAMC svs $300.00; EFTPS payroll tax $2,600.74; Farmers Coop Village $441.70; Farmers Coop VFD $215.82; FSB HSA $1,800.00; Heiman Fire Equip spls $142.20; Hoffschneider Law svs $2,045.38; Iowa Pump Works svs $1,033.80; Jimmy Johns travel $10.99; KCL Gp Benefits Apr $206.17; Lincoln Fin Gp Mar svs $50.00; NDEE Trent classes and license $215.00; NE Dept of Rev Sales & Use Tax - Feb $3,323.64; NE Pub Health Env Lab svs $31.00; NPPD Feb $31,258.19; NeRWA Trent class $420.00; Norris Feb elec $268.63; Norris Feb elec $3,270.00; Orscheln spls $144.95; USPS water sample $19.10; Raising Cane's travel $9.72; Red Lobster travel $22.09; SCI publ $10.56; Wages Mar $11,602.34; Walmart spls $53.30; Waste Connections Mar gbge $5,377.27; Windstream VFD $171.26; Windstream village $241.88; Windstream village internet $281.76; Blobaum & Busboom svs $8,500.00; Craig Bontrager Mar svs $500.00; DVFD reimb MFO dues $200.00; Fyr-Tek ann maint $852.60; Hawks Plumbing & Heating thermostat - Donna's $175.00; Kelli Hromek Mar svs $221.04; Matheson Tri-Gas oxygen $88.28; One Call Concepts locates $13.07; Walmart spls $92.82 Sheriff’s report given. Fire report given. Brisket drive-thru fundraiser went well. Six will attend fire school May 19-21. Code compliance report given Unfinished Business: Discussion held on street sweeper options. Tabled until April 19th. Atty Hoffschneider directed to create a surplus resolution for the old sweeper for the May meeting. New Business: Discussion held on the new storage building. Bids reviewed for the electrical. Tabled until the special meeting on April 19th. Bids reviewed on the site prep. Motion by Shaw, seconded by Bird to go with Excel Excavating. Motion carried. Consideration and discussion was held on updates to the existing fire hall. Motion by Miller, seconded by Bird to approve updates up to $25,000, splitting the cost 50/50 with the fire department, and using funds from the special account to pay the village’s portion. Motion carried. Discussion was held on Ordinance 2023-02 to repeal Ordinance No. 678 regarding golf carts. Motion by Miller, seconded by Bird to waive the three-reading rule. Motion carried. ORDINANCE NO. 2023-02 AN ORDINANCE REPEALING VILLAGE OF DORCHESTER MUNICIPAL ORDINANCE SECTION 5-710; TO REPEAL CONFLICTING ORDINANCES; AND TO PROVIDE FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE THEREOF. Motion by Miller, seconded by Wenz to approve Ordinance 2023-02 upon reading, to repeal Ordinance No. 678. Motion carried. Discussion held on possible sewer extension work at Northview Estates. Tabled until quote is received. Consideration of NeRWA annual dues and donation. Motion by Wenz, seconded by Shaw to pay only the $300 dues and not include a donation. Motion failed 3-2 (voting no were Miller, Bird, and Pracheil). Motion by Miller, seconded by Bird to pay the $300 dues and give a $200 donation. Motion carried (4-1. Voting no was Wenz.) Discussion was held on hiring summer help. Clerk Kasl will check on liability for youth employees and item was tabled until special meeting. Motion by Bird, seconded by Shaw, to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 8:16 p.m. Special meeting will be held April 19th, at 5:00 p.m. Next regular meeting date has been moved to Wednesday, May 3rd at 7:00 p.m. at the Dorchester Community Hall. Respectfully submitted, Jennifer M. Kasl, Clerk-Treasurer CR — May 03, 2023 ZNEZ