This is a synopsis of the Saline County Board of Commissioners’ October 31, 2023, regular meeting proceedings. A complete set of the proceedings is on file in the Board of Commissioners’ Journal is of public record in the Saline County Clerk’s office and on our website: SALINE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS The regular meeting of the Saline County Board of Commissioners was called to order at 9:36 a.m. on Tuesday, October 31, 2023, by Chairperson Phil Hardenburger. Present were Hardenburger, Stephanie A. Krivohlavek, Janet J. Henning, Marvin A. Kohout, and Russ Karpisek Commissioners, County Attorney David C. Solheim and County Clerk Diann Nettifee; Notice of said meeting was posted in the County Clerk’s Office and published in all three county newspapers on October 25, 2023, in compliance with State Statutes; Hardenburger advised those present of the open meetings act at the back of the room and that all proceedings are electronically recorded; Approved the agenda as presented; Approved the minutes of the October 17, 2023 regular meeting; Under Citizens Forum No one spoke; Under Correspondence, Weber Feedyards NPDES permit renewed by Nebraska Dept. of Environment and Energy, invoices for “Pink” postcards have been sent out; Under Report of Officials NIRMA conference, Wellness meeting, Saline County Aging will start construction soon, Green Light for Veterans Project, meeting with Senator Daniel Conrad concerning transparency, NIRMA dividend check $15,285.00, Klien Williams meeting, Blue Valley Community Action meeting, Hometown Housing meeting, possible donation of a clock from Pleasant Hill Court House; Approved CDARS Deposit Agreement (Certificate of Deposit Account Registry Service) option; Approved Administrative sub –division SW ¼ 8-6-3 (Harrington); Approved Advertising for 3 vacancies (effective December 31st, 2023) on the Saline County Planning & Zoning Board; Approved Request to surplus and remove property from the County Attorney’s office; Approved Resolution #2023-69 NIRMA Recommitment; Approved Memorandum of Understanding for funding support of Hope Crisis Center; At 10:08 a.m. meeting in recess; At 10:16 a.m. meeting reconvened; Lester Ralston addressed the Board; Approved Resolution #2023-67 to transfer $115,000.00 from Inheritance Tax Fund #2700 to Road and Bridge Fund #0300; Approved Claims as presented; ACS, Spls, 1,395.00; Rebecca Anderson, Atty Fees, 1,833.50; Johnny Barta, P&Z, 33.34; Blobaum & Busboom, Bdgt, 7,350.00; Gerald Brown, P&Z, 29.41; Capital Business, Cntrct, 148.00; Consolidated Mgt, Cntrct, 108.25; Controltemp, Equip Rpr, 302.00; Crete Ace Hardware, Spls, 28.12; CAMC, Cntrct, 885.00; Culligan, Cntrct, 213.00; Dollar General, Spls, 111.80; Dee Drake, Mlg, 180.78; Eakes, Ofc Spls, 838.99; Ecolab, Cntrct, 1,674.77; Equifax, Cntrct, 505.62; Farmers Coop, Fuel, 43,615.22; Ronald Fink, P&Z, 29.41; Friend Comm Hlthcr, Cntrct, 530.00; State of NE, Cntrct, 242.00; Scott Gropp, Atty Fees, 9,000.00; Harmony Inn, Trng, 412.00; Heath Sports, Unif, 389.80; David Hermsmeier, P&Z, 16.31; Holiday Inn, Trng, 278.85; Keystone, Equip Rpr, 443.25; Jeffrey Koll, P&Z, 29.41; Melanie Kunc, Mlg, 172.92; Justin Kuntz, Atty Fees, 1,529.50; Lancaster Co Sheriff, Cntrct, 18.69; Language Line, Cntrct, 31.14; Ingrid Lindal, Mlg, 66.16; Mallory Safety, Spls, 264.55; Menards, Spls, 147.26; Microfilm Img, Cntrct, 150.00; MIPS, Cntrct, 61.10; Nathan Mueller, Mlg, 149.34; Amber Mulbery, Mlg, 34.06; Keith Muller, P&Z, 19.59; NE DOL, Unemp, 5,243.40; Nebraska.Gov, Cntrct, 18.00; Diann Nettifee, Mlg, 351.08; Tyson Osborn, Reimb, 15.00; Physicians Lab, Cntrct, 1,000.00; Point C, Cntrct, 296.00; Quill, Ofc Spls, 199.31; Rr Donnelley, P&P, 130.62; Saline Co Dist Crt, Reimb, 181.00; Secretary of State, Spls, 20.00; Seward Co Ind, P&P, 308.07; Sid Dillon, Equip Rpr, 292.87; Soarin Grp, Cntrct, 1,497.00; Summit, Spls, 11,774.38; Thomson Reuters, Cntrct, 160.24; UNL, Cntrct, 10,531.05; Verizon, Comm, 2,085.03; Visa, Cntrct, 7.50; Visa, Trng, 248.95; Visa, Ofc Spls, 239.88; Visa, Pstg, 4.35; Visa, Fuel, 100.48; Visa, Trng, 586.65; Visa, Trng, 76.25; Visa, Spls, 1,662.62; Visa, Spls, 73.65; Walker, Cntrct, 82.03; Ward Lab, Bldg/Grnd, 21.50; Joel Weber, P&Z, 41.86; Mary Jo Weber, P&Z, 62.16; Madeline Werner, Mlg, 83.32; Windstream, Comm, 2,749.23; Witness Fees, Wtns Fees, 37.03; Robin Zoubek, Reimb, 182.86; Ace Irr, Spls, 54,645.00; Beatrice Concrete, Gravel, 15,808.72; Beaver Hardware, Spls, 257.58; City of Friend, Utly, 44.35; Comm Ind, Spls, 909.15; Costco, Sbscrptn, 120.00; Crete Auto, Spls, 162.02; Exeter Lumber, Spls, 248.00; Farmers Union Coop, Spls, 725.16; Food Mesto, Spls, 10.29; Medical Ent, Spls, 105.00; NPPD, Utly, 429.17; RDO, Spls, 318.46; Rock On, Gravel, 347.71; Sapp Bros, Fuel, 3,843.37; Southwest Gravel, Gravel, 9,887.82; Speece-Lewis, Cntrct, 23,233.95; Truck Center, Spls, 396.89; Village of Swanton, Utly, 71.22; Village of Western, Utly, 83.25; Visa, Trng, 66.64; Western Oil, Spls, 20.00; JJK Construction, Cntrct, 232,356.06; Saline Co Ag Society, Reimb, 4,500.00; Eric Stehlik, Reimb, 43.30; Village of Dewitt, Reimb, 1,500.00; Wilber Chamber, Reimb, 410.00; Legion Post 101, Reimb, 1,200.00; Samantha Cosaert, Prgm, 285.00; Crete News, Sbscrptn, 34.00; Marcia Emal, Prgm, 274.31; Purfoods, Prgm, 156.25; Tabitha, Prgm, 962.50; Visa, Prgm, 152.79; Visa, Prgm, 314.15; Visa, Prgm, 1,053.31; Wilber Care Center, Prgm, 780.00; Kalkwarf & Smith, Atty Fees, 1,200.00; Anita Stougard, Prgm, 1,044.81; Charm-Tex, Spls, 116.50; iSolved, Pyrl & Txs, 252,966.10; Ameritas Life, Retire, 29,569.48; BC/BS, Hlth Ins, 106,293.20; Health Savings Account, Hlth Sv Acct, 18,926.10; Principal Dental, Dental Ins, 2,369.40; Madison Nat'l Life, Life Ins, 66.29; AFLAC, Ins, 952.47; VSP, Eye Ins, 585.06; Empower, Def Comp, 4,017.00; Point C, Café, 952.07; Colonial Supp Ins, Ins, 137.37; Madison Nat'l Life, Dis Ins, 217.23; Teamsters, Dues, 297.00; New York Life, Ins, 95.64; Globe Life, Ins, 213.64; Saline County Court, Garnish, 510.92 At 11:00 a.m. Bid opening for North Boswell paving project; Approved Year-End Certification of County Highway Superintendent; At 11:10 a.m. Entered Closed Session – Litigation At 11:32 a.m. Exited Closed Session – With no action taken There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 11:32 a.m. The next regular meeting will be on Tuesday, November 14, 2023 at 9:30 a.m. in the Saline County Commissioners’ Room, Court House, Wilber, NE. ATTEST: Phil Hardenburger, Chairperson Stephanie A. Krivohlavek, Vice-Chairperson Russ Karpisek Marvin A. Kohout Janet J. Henning Diann Nettifee, County Clerk I, Diann Nettifee, County Clerk in and for Saline County, do hereby certify that the minutes of the previous meeting held October 17, 2023 were approved as presented. Diann Nettifee, County Clerk Phil Hardenburger, Chairperson Stephanie A. Krivohlavek, Vice-Chairperson Janet J. Henning Russ Karpisek Marvin A. Kohout CR/FS/WR — November 08, 2023 ZNEZ