NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF CALLED HOME, LLC, A NEBRASKA LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY Notice is hereby given Called Home, LLC, a Nebraska Limited Liability Company has been organized under the laws of the …


NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF CALLED HOME, LLC, A NEBRASKA LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY Notice is hereby given Called Home, LLC, a Nebraska Limited Liability Company has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The initial designated office's street address is 316 N Madison Ave, Suite 300, Plymouth, NE 68424 and its mailing address is 210 W Sumac St, Western, NE 68464. Jacklyn F. Hirschler is the initial agent for service of process of the company. The initial agent's street address is 210 W Sumac St, Western, NE 68464 and mailing address is 210 W Sumac St, Western, NE 68464. Cole A. Bodfield, #27296 Schwab & Lepant 311 5th Street Fairbury, NE 68352 (402) 729-3368 CR — July 19, 26, August 02, 2023 ZNEZ