NOTICE OF GUARDIANSHIP PROCEEDINGS IN THE COURT (PROBATE DIVISION) OF SALINE COUNTY, NEBRASKA Case Number PR 23–49 To: Any interested party with respect to the Petition for Appointment of Temporary …


NOTICE OF GUARDIANSHIP PROCEEDINGS IN THE COURT (PROBATE DIVISION) OF SALINE COUNTY, NEBRASKA Case Number PR 23–49 To: Any interested party with respect to the Petition for Appointment of Temporary and Permanent Guardianship filed by the Petitioner, Liliana Pol Saquic, for appointment as Permanent Guardian of Maria Kimberly Pol Saquic. You are hereby notified that on August 21, 2023 a Petition was filed to appoint a Permanent Guardian for Maria Kimberly Pol Saquic, that the hearing on appointment of a permanent guardian will take place on October 6, 2023 at 2:30 PM in Saline County, 204 South High Street, Ctrm. #1, Wilber, NE 68465. The object of which is to have Petitioner appointed as the Permanent Guardian of Maria Kimberly Pol Saquic. You are required to answer this Petition on or before that date or the Court will proceed with the appointment of the permanent guardian. Liliana Pol Saquic, Petitioner By: /s/ Lucia Marquez Lucia Marquez Law, LLC 3035 Harney Street, Suite 101C Omaha, NE 68131 Ph: 712-333-5225 Attorney for Petitioner CR — September 13, 20, 27, 2023 ZNEZ