DORCHESTER PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES NOVEMBER 1, 2023 The meeting of the Dorchester Planning Commission was called to order at 5:37 p.m. on Wednesday, November 1, 2023 by Chairperson Justin Sand. …


DORCHESTER PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES NOVEMBER 1, 2023 The meeting of the Dorchester Planning Commission was called to order at 5:37 p.m. on Wednesday, November 1, 2023 by Chairperson Justin Sand. Answering roll call were commission members Faith Nerud, John Yeackley, and Justin Sand. Brent Zoubek was excused. Also in attendance were Jen Kasl, Recording Secretary, Dawn Zoubek, Deputy Clerk, and Deanna Bird. A vacancy exists on the planning commission due to Tellez joining the Village Board. Justin Sand nominated Deanna Bird as a new member of the Planning Commission. Motion by Sand, seconded by Yeackley to approve Bird. Motion carried (3-0-1). Bird accepted the position. There has been no new business the last three quarters, so no meetings have been held. Motion by Sand, seconded by Nerud to approve the minutes from the November 7, 2022 meeting. Motion carried. (4-0-1) Consideration of Zoning Permit No. 23-704 for a duplex at 1009 Stephens. The planning commission would like to see several stipulations put in place before approving. Kasl will approach the property owner to discuss the stipulations. Having no further discussion, motion was made by Sand, seconded by Nerud to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried (4-0-1) at 6:13 p.m. Jen Kasl, Clerk-Treasurer Recording Secretary CR — November 08, 2023 ZNEZ